Monday, July 8, 2013

New Classroom Closet--Promise I will try not to post more than once a day after this ;)

As I mentioned before, I am moving into a new classroom, much bigger, sooooo happy!!!

With my new classroom came a new closet.  I was/am SO happy my closet is in my room.  In my last room, the closet was in the hall (not to mention, my room was TYY-NEE)...annoying to have to leave the room to get something out of the closet. 

This new closet is WONDERFUL...tons of shelves...inside the classroom...etc. etc.  HOWEVER, with this new closet came what seemed like 500 years of crap!  Seriously, the teacher that left the room, left a huge mess. 

Thank GOD for my dear friend/fellow teacher.  She came in one morning and we cleaned it all out.  I forget how many dumpster trips we made, but it was a TON!  We cleaned out another room that day as well, previous people at our school had hoarding problems or something!  We pretty much filled the big dumpster.  Uh-huh...LOTS of out-dated textbooks, crazzzzzy!  TONS of sample books...
So, after her help purging it all, and me spending 2 days organzing/moving in my stuff...this is what we have....

I am linking up with:
Of course the whole closet is organized, but one thing that really helps me is all of those tubs from the target dollar aisle...they aren't a dollar..but each one houses a different subject's workbook/resources.  This way they are easy peasy to locate.
Also, the black magazine holders separate my construction paper by colors.  Some of my fabulous students did that for me last year.  SO easy to get what you need with out digging.

I am in love with the space :)  SO happy it is organized.  It was A LOT of work, I mean A LOT, but totally worth the outcome.
Next post read about my experience painting the room....


  1. I love the idea of separating and storing construction paper by color - I have to find a way to do this!

  2. I'm in awe of all of your hard work organizing! It looks amazing. Thanks for linking up with us :)

    Fun in Room 4B
